Opening hours


Stefansgade 35
2200 Copenhagen N

What's on tap

대동강 (Taedonggang Pale Ale)
Scour Scandinavia Spontan Seabuckthorn
Spontanquadrupelraspberry (2018)

What is 

Koelschip Cycling Cafe


When the first incarnation of Mikkeller & Friends Bottle Shop moved to its current home in Torvehallerne, we decided to redecorate and open a traditional Belgian-style bar in the space, focusing on the distinctly Belgian beer style known as lambic. It is our tribute to one of the most honored brewing traditions in the world.

It’s dark, cozy, and full of nostalgic memorabilia tucked away under hop vines hanging from the ceiling. With Koelschip we strive to educate people about – and promote – the art of lambic brewing and blending. Our bartenders are very enthusiastic and highly knowledgeable, and are able to both guide the novice lambic drinker down an educated path and provide skilled service to the experienced beer drinker.

Koelschip takes pride in offering authentic glassware and proper service in order to show the beers, brewers, and tradition the respect that they deserve. We offer what we believe is the biggest selection of bottled lambic outside of Belgium, together with eight high-quality, rotating draft beers from Belgium (or beers in the Belgian tradition).While the draft selection and general atmosphere certainly warrant a visit, what has attracted the most international attention is one of the most extensive bottle lists of any of our locations, featuring some of the rarest beers in the lambic style as well as some seriously old vintage beers.

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