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December 7, 2012

Rumour has it…


A good old friend of Mikkeller, Alexei Popov, sent me an email a few days ago. Alexei told me that he had heard some rumors that there would soon open another Mikkeller Bar in St. Petersburg, Russia.

He did not say where he had heard these rumors, but since Alexei was born and raised in Russia, he still has many friends in his old homeland. And I know for sure that if there are rumors circulating among the Russian beer geeks, then Alexei will pick them up sooner or later.

Here's what I replied to his email:

Dear Alexei, Thanks for your mail. You know I do not like to keep anything secret for you, and you know that I highly appreciate our friendship, therefore I hope you will accept my weak answer to these rumors: I can’t confirm the rumors that we'll open a new Mikkeller Bar in St. Petersburg.

See you at CBC my friend

All the best

Ps. By the way, this is not the only rumor circulating...