MBCC Code of Conduct
This overview of certain Mikkeller policies and procedures relevant to MBCC 2021 serves the purpose of introducing important information to all volunteers and partners participating at MBCC 2021.This overview will introduce you to our Diversity, Equality and Inclusion Policy, our Harassment and Bullying Policy as well as our Whistleblower procedure, which are all relevant to all participants at the festival – employees, volunteers and partners. This overview will also introduce you to the MBCC 2021 Reporting Procedure, which is prepared specifically for MBCC 2021. The MBCC 2021 Reporting Procedure is relevant to all volunteers, captains, partners and project managers working at MBCC 2021.
1. Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion
1.1. Mikkeller commits to be a place where diversity, equality, inclusion, and elimination of discrimination is a/our top priority in all aspects of the business.Mikkeller is dedicated to being an organization that ensures that all employees feel respected and are able to give their best while being part of a workforce which is truly representing all parts of society.
1.2. When Mikkeller works with diversity, equality and inclusion, Mikkeller focuses on:
- Gender Identity and reassignment
- Nationality
- Ethnic background
- Sexual orientation
- Age
- Disability
- Religion
- Pragnancy or maternity
- Maritalor civil partnership status
1.3. Mikkeller commits to ensure diversity, equality, and inclusion in all aspects of the workplace and business activities.
1.4. Mikkeller commits to promoting dignity and respect for all, and a workplace where individual differences and the contributions of all employees are recognized and valued, whether the employment is temporary, voluntary, an intern, part-time or full-time.
1.5. Mikkeller commits to oppose and avoid discrimination because of the characteristics mentioned in section 1.2.
1.6. Mikkeller commits to oppose and avoid all forms of discrimination. This includes in pay and benefits, terms and conditions of employment, dealing with grievances and behavior, dismissal, redundancy, leave for parents, requests for flexible working, and selection for employment, promotion, training or other developmental opportunities in Mikkeller.
1.7. Mikkeller commits to cover all aspects of our operations in terms of how Mikkeller treats those who work for and with Mikkeller, how Mikkeller recruits and how Mikkeller engages with others within the Mikkeller community.
2. Harassment and bullying
2.1. Mikkeller is committed to maintaining a workplace free from harassment and bullying (hereinafter referred to as “Harassment”). Mikkeller considers Harassment as discrimination. All employees, regardless of the nature of their employment, as mentioned in section 1.4., are required to work in a manner that prevents Harassment in the workplace.
2.2. Mikkeller considers Harassment to be defined by harassing behavior based on (but not limited to) an individual’s:
- Sex
- Sexual orientation
- Gender Identity, reassignment or expression
- Nationality
- Ethnic Background
- Religion
- Age
- Disability
2.3. Mikkeller commits to promote identification of, and to work against, hidden structures in the workplace, which might contribute to Harassment and/or create a possibility for harassing actions to take place. Any employee or individual covered by Mikkeller’s Harassment and Bullying Policy who engages in Harassment will be subject to remedial and/or disciplinary action (e.g. counselling, suspension, termination).
2.4. Harassment is unacceptable and is a violation of Mikkeller’s policies. Harassers may also be individually subject to liability. Employees of every level who engage in Harassment, including managers and senior management, or who allow such behavior to continue, will be penalized for such misconduct.
2.5. Any employee who experiences harassment is encouraged to report this to ensure that any violation of this policy can be handled promptly. Any harassing conduct, including a single incident, can be addressed under Mikkeller’s Harassment & Bullying Policy.
3. Mikkeller MBCC Reporting Procedure
3.1. Mikkeller encourages all volunteers at MBCC 2021 to report any concerns or complaints under Mikkeller’s policies as mentioned in section 1 and 2 above. Mikkeller encourages all volunteers to communicate any grievances in order to enable Mikkeller MBCC management to investigate the situation and act appropriately, as well as with the purpose to support Mikkeller MBCC in fostering a supportive and pleasant environment for everyone.
3.2. Mikkeller MBCC Reporting Procedure explains how volunteers can voice their complaints. Managers and Captains should be aware of everything that might hinder the volunteers’ work, so that Managers and Captains can take appropriate and immediate action. Volunteers should be able to follow a fair reporting procedure to be heard and avoid conflict.
3.3. Mikkeller MBCC defines “grievance” as any complaint, problem, or concern of a volunteer regarding their workplace, job or coworker relationship.
3.4. Mikkeller MBCC Volunteers can report any of the following concerns (but not limited to):
- Harassment and bullying taking place at MBCC
- Health and safety
- Management and safety
- Brewers' behavior
- Guests' behavior
- Mikkeller Employees' behavior
- Colleagues' behavior
3.5. Mikkeller MBCC Volunteers who want to file a grievance can:
- Reach out to their Volunteer Captain
- Reach out to a Safe Space Volunteer who can facilitate a meeting with the Volunteer Captain together with the relevant Volunteer
- Reach out to the Mikkeller MBCC Volunteer Manager
3.6. Mikkeller MBCC Volunteers, Employees or guests who face allegation have the right to:
- Respond to the allegations
3.7. Mikkeller MBCC commits to:
- Have a formal grievance procedure in place
- Communicate the procedure to all volunteers, brewers and cooperating partners at MBCC
- Investigate all grievances promptly
- Treat all Mikkeller MBCC Volunteers, brewers and partners who file a grievance impartially
- Preserve confidentiality at any stage of the process
- Resolve all grievances to the extent possible
4. Mikkeller Whistleblower Policy
4.1. Mikkeller is dedicated to act and do business in a way that is right to our employees, customers, partners, and society in general. To continuously make sure that Mikkeller does just that, Mikkeller encourages that concerns are shared.
4.2. Mikkeller employees and volunteers may always share concerns with their direct manager, Mikkeller HR or with the Mikkeller Whistleblower. Partners and guest may always share concerns with the Mikkeller Whistleblower. However, concerns may rise which an employee does not find suitable to raise through those channels.
4.3. Hence, the objective of Mikkeller’s Whistleblower Policy is to ensure that all Mikkeller employees, volunteers, partners and guests have a channel where they can report any potential breaches of laws or regulations applicable to the Mikkeller Group, as well as breaches of any of the internal policies or standards of the Mikkeller Group, or any behaviour or incidents of concern not covered by such policies.
4.4. Mikkeller encourages all to raise concerns on potential breaches, which may have occurred within the Mikkeller organization or otherwise in relation to the Mikkeller employees’ performance of their work. It is not required to have actual knowledge of the breach to report a concern if the whistleblower at the time of the reporting has reasonable grounds to believe that the concern is valid.
4.5. Examples of concerns that can be reported through the whistleblower scheme are breaches of Mikkeller’s sexism and harassment policy, sanctions policy and other serious concerns.
4.6. Matters with regard to e.g. smoking area, food selection at MBCC or guidelines about volunteer’s- and employee’s lunch breaks accordingly, should not be reported through the Mikkeller Whistleblower scheme. Such concerns should however be raised accordingly to the Mikkeller MBCC Reporting Procedure for Reporting Grievance and Concerns.
4.7. The Mikkeller Whistleblower Procedure will be send out to all volunteers, brewers and partners as well as being available to guests at the festival.
Mikkeller always welcomes feedback on how we can best promote and ensure equal opportunities throughout Mikkeller, as well as a healthy work environment free of Harassment. Mikkeller encourages any employee, including volunteers, to inform their manager or the HR department (hr@mikkeller.dk) about any ideas, or if the employee would like to be involved in any of our existing initiatives.The HR department may always be contacted in this regard at the email address hr@mikkeller.dk, subject field: Mikkeller MBCC Environment
We hope that you will enjoy your time at Mikkeller MBCC 2021!
All the best,Mikkel Bjergsø, Founder & Creative DirectorKenneth Madsen, CEODitte Lassen-Kahlke, Chair & General CounselDaniel Vous, Head of MBCC Thilde Tobiesen, Head of HR
…And the rest of team Mikkeller!